Wednesday 17 August 2011

Ideology of sri sri thkur

                                 Sri Sri Thakur’s Ideological Sketch

Be Ideal Centric- Like all planets move on their orbit centering around the sun, the life of a person exists and continue to move on, based on a pull which remains outside his own self. Sri Sri Thakur wants us to put a superior beloved at that place and tells us to make him the pivot of life. Life is in any way concentric by origin, and we have to only put an Ideal there.
Have a Progressive go to Life- By continuously reminding s about ours goal, Sri Sri Thakur has attempted to keep us alert about our goal and the desired path. In fact growth is a natural tendency of life. From the day man takes birth, he aspires to grow and this desire to grow has made it possible for man to scale the heights of evolution passing through generations.
Be Inquisitive and Acquisitive- Inquisitiveness in observation and inquisitiveness in service to others are the two qualities Sri Sri Thakur wanted us to Practice. Acquisitiveness in skill, knowledge, and experience is what Sri Sri Thakur wanted us to develop a habit for.
Know the Cause and Effect Relationship- Spiritualism is those thought and deeds, which make mind cause oriented, says Sri Sri Thakur. Most of our problems in life spring from our ignorance of the cause and effect relationship. If we knew what cause what, then things would have been very simple for us and we would have oriented ourselves accordingly.
Nourish your Body and Mind- No one would perhaps dispute the necessity of nourishing body and mind. More or less every one does take care of body and tries to keep mind peaceful. This is perhaps one of the basics of human conduct and living. The problem is with the complexity of the task and ability (or inability) of each person to take care of them. Sri Sri Thakur has provided the codes of health and hygiene including that of mental health.
Render Service to your Environment- Environmental Services is essential for the existence and growth of man, said Sri Sri Thakur very clearly. He urged his disciples to serve the environment and help the environment to upgrade. He himself has done it in a very splendid way during his lifetime. It is because of his service, sympathy, and sense of oneness towards other, people loved him so much.
Cohesion in community life through common Ideal- Sri Sri Thakur said the only way to bring about a cohesive society is to mobilize the members of the society around an Ideal. It is imperative that a society has to have a common ideal. That ideal should be such a person who fulfills each one as per distinctiveness. That person can guide and goad all the people on the path of progression without destroying their individual traits, liking and specialties.
Manipulation of Habits and behaviour is Education-
Marriage and Eugenics-

Tuesday 16 August 2011


Satsang is a philanthropic organization that emerged out of Sree Sree Thakur Anukulchandra. 
Whenever Sree Sree Thakur plunged into any activity, he did it as a spontaneous response to the demand of the situation or a necessity that popped up before him.
The organization Satsang too was born of such a natural process rather than any deliberate pre-planned effort to establish an organization. When people multiplied around Sree Sree Thakur, drawn by the irresistible magnetic pull of his personality, the assembly and the neighbourhood that was fast coming up around Sree Sree Thakur’s home and was throbbing with life and multifarious activity like school, research and so on, it normally took the shape of a well-knit organization bubbling with vitality. So, in the case of Satsang, an organization was not floated. Rather a congregation of people fast cumulating around a great man grew into an organization: an organization of people drawn and dedicated to existence—their own and that of the environment.

" The man-making mission of thakur ji "

 The process of man-making started. Sree Sree Thakur ran from one village to another, from one house to another and wherever he went people poured in his presence round the clock seeking solutions to a wide variety of problems. A maddening thirst, that later turned into addiction, for knowing more and more, got hold of the people. And Sree Sree Thakur with his boundless love and energy satisfied their numerous and varied queries while enkindling their interest to delve deeper—goading them on to a life different and divine. As hundreds of men from all walks of life came to meet him and some even started living in his presence, a small neighbourhood was slowly coming up around his abode.

Monday 15 August 2011

satyanusaran article no.12

If your  tongue be always salanderous unable to speak good of others,
never pass an opinion on anyone.
Try within to hate your own habit and
grimly determine to be rid of that  hell of slander in the future.
 TO vilify others is to defile oneself  with their defects.
To speak good of others makes one`s own nature good unconsciously.
But one should not praise others with a selfish motive.That is flattery.
 Generally, in such cases, thoughts and words do not agree.this is very bad and the faculty to express one`s independent opinion is lost thereby.


Oh,you who would devotees be
          with hope for name and riches,
 Don`t make me your Lord and Master,
 Beware! if mastery within
                             Awakens not,-
 Master, Center- none you have,
and deceiving, you shall be decived.
                                         "sri sri thkur"                      

satsang vihar,korba

dear all,

    it is about satsang vihar korba located near korba railway station sitamani chowk.